Banking Technology

Financial institutions are one of the cornerstones of society, but they need to modernize to keep up with difficult and changing times. Meeting and exceeding ever-changing customer needs, managing changing regulatory requirements, and reducing costs while increasing cybersecurity risk requires major transformation. Rapid business transformation based on extreme digitization leveraging new technologies such as AI, data, and cloud is at the heart of this change.
TechEnsura banking technology solutions are defined by the market segmentation of Traditional Incumbent Banks, Incumbent Digital Banks, Born Digital Banks, and Tech Digital Banks. Our approach is based on the different levels of digital enablement required in each of these segments. So, at one end of the spectrum, we look at augmenting and enabling the legacy platforms with microservices and niche fintech solutions, while the other end is serviced via greenfield implementations and first-time integrations.

TechEnsura is a trusted technology partner for many midsize banks and financial services companies. All of these companies leverage our technical and domain expertise for their specific outsourcing needs at various stages of the project lifecycle. Our services cover a wide range of business areas including multi-channel banking, core banking, credit and finance, payments, cash/investment management, trade finance, tax, risk, and governance. We work with world-class technology providers such as Microsoft, Oracle, and Kony to ensure we offer comprehensive end-user solutions. In addition, our unique frameworks, tools, and platforms developed from our extensive project experience, help us deliver high-quality banking IT solutions to our customers.
- Wealth Management
- Advisor Productivity Enhancement
- Claims Management
- Support Management
- Reminders & Collections
- Dial-A-Policy
- Fraud And Claims Analytics
- Agent Service Solutions